July Update
- At June 24, 2012
- By Joe Cody
- In News
“Save the Babies Home”
The last 6 weeks have been the hottest of the year in Tamil Nadu and the children have been enjoying their school summer holidays. Nine of them stayed with us at the Home as they are effectively orphans and the others went to relatives for some or all of the time.
Abirani, who only just survived at birth, has had a recurrence of her liver problems. She has been very poorly and has lost a lot of weight. Abi used to have this bad time every year but has been well for the last 5 years.
We are so pleased with Vellamal. She has just received her results of 10th Standard (GCSE) and has achieved the second highest total mark in the school – 2nd of 474 who took the exams. You may remember that Vellamal was found by Kate in the marketplace, when very small, begging for her father who has leprosy. She will start her Plus 1 Course this week (equivalent of A Level) and has chosen the ‘pure science’ course as she would like to become a nurse specialising in ‘eyes’.
Indu has joined us – she is 11 years old. Her Father and elder Brother have both died recently and Mother is struggling to find food and to care for another son, who is mentally disabled. We also now have Suresh Kumar, who is 11 but looks only 6years old as he is so malnourished. His Dad was a lorry driver and has died of ‘aids’.

You will see from my photos that we have already bored and found good water on the land and that work has begun on the foundations. I will keep you updated on progress and our quest to find another £11,000 to complete the ground floor.