Jenny Dent
Jenny has spent her working life in a religious community (The White Eagle Lodge) which she now leads. She brings to Star Action a deep conviction in the power of prayer linked with practical action. Having travelled the world over the past twenty years, she has seen at first hand the need of so many in the developing world.
Joan Fraser
Born in Australia, a nurse, healer and mother, Joan brings a wealth of experience of dealing with many kinds of need and distress. She believes one hundred percent in the difference a small, totally committed group can make, whose projects are carefully monitored and run by those on the spot who see what the real need is.
Michael Dent
Michael has over thirty years of experience in charity fundraising. As Jenny’s son, he has been closely involved with the work of Star Action since its inception and now joins us as a Trustee. He has worked with charity organisations at all levels from thelocal to global and has a profound dedication to making a difference wherever he can.